Sunday, May 31, 2009


one of my fav authors. got two books

the craziest, nastiest, confusingest, scariest, weirdest book ever. funny too, but like dark and creepy and... so good. it's like a biography, but not about a real person. or we don't think he's real because we can't remember him. and Party Crashing, basically a game where you crash your car into other players. and Rant (Buster Casey) can like taste and smell real good its real creepy. read this book defff it should be at the top of your list

also very good. i didn't like it as much as Rant, but it's still very funny and weird. Palahniuk writes some crazy stuff (Diary from last summer). so it's about a sex addict and his issues and his crazy mother. like man i thought my mom was crazy but his is like really out there. Choke is a movie too but it's rated R so i can't see it. oh yeah, the guy pretends to choke on food in restaurants so people save him then they feel bad for him forever so they send him cards with money. that's how he pays for his mom's med bills and stuff. it's messed up

i'm waiting on Fight Club

Friday, April 17, 2009


uh i don't want to do pictures i'm too lazy. but i got... three books?

actually a pretty good book. i did not want to read this at all but i did and it was good. kind of slow in the middle area, i kinda took a break for like... two books in there... but the end was real good, kinda hard to believe though but hey, it's a kids book. i should watch the movie now

about a girl that loses it you know... v-card... and she's pretty funny so i liked it because being in her head wasn't annoying. and her life was like totally crazy and her parents joined a cult and her best friend build a bomb to blow up a poodle. real funny stuff ha.

BOGUS TO BUBBLY (insiders' guide to uglies, pretties, specials, extras)
kind of a weird book to like read but it was good. if you don't like love the series then don't read this because you won't care AT ALL about what he's saying. but it's like the history of the cities and stuff. the part about hoverboards got kinda lame but whatevs. it was a fast read too, like one night.

i'm reading a lot over break so yeah.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


YAY! finally got it yesterday and i finished it in a few hours. i've started again but sister is reading it so she stole it from me!
awwww mah god i loves these books! fade was just as good as, if not better than, wake. written just as beautifully, funny, sad.
this book made me really sad. like i didn't want to talk to people for a while sad. of course i did talk, but i was still sad. and the beginning, which wasn't even a sad part, made me sad. cuz it's just so hard for janie and cabel. and i don't want it to be. they need it to be good, easy, and it's not. so seriously i almost cried and nothing really sad happened.
and oooo la la dirty part! just saying. but it wasn't written like nasty nasty, it was sweet.
i was twittering while i read this and i'm sure i got annoying. but it was only for the good parts! pages 102 and 203 made me pee, for very different reasons. 100 pages separate the happiest part and the saddest part.
and the end was happy, but still sad. bittersweet. so now i'm an emotional wreck because i don't know what to think or feel about this book and why do i like books? they just make me sad.
and now i've decided that this trilogy is like nancy drew only better. cuz cabe's prolly wayyy hotter than those Hardy boys.
now i can't wait for Gone. dad says no countdown on the chalkboard for a year. we'll see about that.
thank you lisa mcmann for this trilogy, come to milwaukee please!

Friday, March 20, 2009


second time i've read this. it's very good. and sad. but i like said books. and it's actually written very well, which i didn't appreciate a few years ago when we read it in school. it was also much shorter than i remembered and only took me a weekend to read.
so yeah, it's a classic, everyone should or already has read Night.
ps. tis about the holocaust if you didn't know.

Monday, March 9, 2009

nothin much to say but i feel i should check in every once in a while and not just when i've got to write about a book.
and since i have tons of homework to do, now seems like the perfect time!
sister is learning pi. she wants to cream the 7th graders who are calling her stupid. imma gonna beat those kids up as soon as i can find some strong kids to come help me.
still waiting on Fade but it's so close i can taste it!

Monday, March 2, 2009

two little kid books

so apparently everyone reads this in 5th grade but i obvi did not get the memo. i actually reallly liked this book! it was a mystery and it was totallly confusing so i don't know how you could read it and understand if you're not smart and old like me. and i kept trying to guess it and i was totally wrong. shows how much i know. that turtle girl is a genius.

really? really? this book is like the most trivial thing ever. it counts for nothing in this world. it was stilly okay, about falling for the good not-as-popular guy, but still. the best part was that she played the guitar. man i should learn that. this book was really fast too. and now i'm supposed to read the other books in this LOVE LETTERS series. fine i will whatever.

i've read 7 books this year! and they're mostly short...
sorry it's been so long since my last post

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

congrats lisa mcmann

on fade finally coming out!
i cant believe that i started my countdown on my blackboard like 291 days ago. it's just crazy.
i'm waiting for the library, because i don't buy hardcover.
sorry, i'll buy paperback though, just like wake.

i'm number 8 in line for fade! who else puts a book on hold in OCTOBER besides me?!!!
crazy people!

so yeah, i'm waiting. and i'm getting upset. but i've waited almost 300 days, i can wait like... 3 more.... more than 3 though, i make no promises.


the hair i want

and then i can dye the blonde purple!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


final book! and i'm still team jacob.
dude this book is like epicly long! and, not to give anything away but, it's written as like 3 books from diff perspectives, so that makes it seem longerrrr. like the first part seems like a totally different SERIES than the end. it's crazy.
and i almost did change from team jacob. i was ticked at him. but i'm still on his side. even if he doesn't need me to be... you'll just have to read it.
there is of course, susspense and drama and the love story. and some really good blonde jokes. like really good. i lol'd.
and it really did tie up all the loose ends, which was good. but there was a lot of them.
idk if this is my fav. i think it goes
breaking dawn
new moon

now i'm done!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

controversial post because apparently that's all that gets comments these days

which came first:::

god then humans
humans then god

think about it.

i think humans came first. i don't believe in god. which i was just gonna post and say "i don't believe in god, discuss" but i thought i would add more. i think humans just needed there to be a reason for our exsistance, so they created god, the almighty guy, because not knowing is too scary to admit. i'm all for evolution. did you know they have museums that totally bash evolution and are all about like adam and eve and it's whole MUSEUMS! crazy christians.



this book made me reallllyyyy scared for college. not gonna lie. do you know how hard it is to get in?!!!?? extremely. very. exponentially. hard.
so that's why you need to hack and get yourself in. it's only sensible.
this book was funny too, because the characters were smart, but funny. so it was funny in a smart way, which i like. does that make sense?
and i also learned about jewishness and i also decided that i don't believe in god because of this book, but that's another post.
so yeah, this was a big book for me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

long update

hey hey! sorry i haven't blogged in like weeks. this post will prolly be long so skim if you like.
and i have a book to do later too. in this post i guess.
i've decided my new year's resolution is only 50 books. 100 is too many. tyleroakley's resolution is 50 books too. we're like one.
i got my ears pierced exactly 2 weeks ago. i was a baby. big baby. squeeeeezed the teddy bears head till i thought it would pop off. oh! i should go clean these suckers right now... but i'm not gonna... they don't really hurt anymore, so i won't complain.
american idol started a couple weeks ago! i already have my pick, and i don't think they're done with auditions. his name is adam, he's from... san fransisco i think. he's like a theater singer. he's soooo funny. he's probably gay, he said he was going to take kara's ring home with him in his teeth when he kissed her hand. but he said "i'm not scurrred" which i totally say scurred so i love him. just not when he sings... he sounds a lot like clay aiken i think. whatever, he's my pick.
how was christmas? i guess mine was good, pretty good haul. imma show my present from "M" because it's soo good. remember last year's project runway picture?
this year it's the maine. how amazing is that? it says "girls do what they want, boys to what they can" on the top. from left: kennedy, jared, john ohh, pat (on drums) and garret. oh it's so great. it's sitting right next to my baby fishtank that i also got for christmas.
oh, and no one bought me WAKE for christmas, so i had to buy it myself. but i did get perks of being a wallflower, and the catcher in the rye. so all's good. 16 days to FADE, i'm peeing
i'm STILL waiting for breaking dawn. i can't handle it anymore. i'm number 2 in the queue line. but still. that just makes me want it more.
now time for a book

they're married and they write books together. how cute. this book took me forever to read, partly because i was busy with school after break, and partly because it was boring.
it was okay... about a boy who finds out his stepmother is having an affair so he tries to find out who it is so he can like kill the man. and then the kid's crush, who's mormon and has a crush on her pastor or something. and this college girl who starts hanging out with our hero. oh, and this neighborhood has this rash of break ins. oh and there's this creepy guy Maurice. it's weird. they tell the story from a lot of different views, which i kind of like, but i think it took too long. idk
there! i updated!
comment please!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

andy is leaving 5awesome gays
and i mean, he was always my least favorite, but it's still kinda sad.
yes, i still do watch them. but usually not till like wednesday, so i have to catch up so yesterday i watched monday nnd he was just like "this is my last day".
kinda sad
now they need a new one. just like before when greg left. i'm not as choked up about andy leaving as i was about greg. i loved greg.

ZOMG and stevie and joe moved in together! they're dating and all that, and now thye just moved to like philly or something... idk. they have a crasy colored couch. i want it

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


what if my new year's resolution was to read
100 books in 2008
do you think i could do it?

2 down!


book number 3.
this is deffinately the best out of the three so far. didn't really like the others. i really liked this book. but now that i think of it... parts weren't great, the ending was the BEST. but actually... no i take that back the whole thing was really good.
and sooooo saddddd.
it's more about bella's choice between edward and jacob, now that edward came back, but bella is best friends with jacob now. and jake loves her, and... gahhh. it's really too much.
and i like LOL'd for some parts in this book, but i can't remember when, but I thought it was funny.
i used to not think much of Jacob Black, now i'm totally team jacob.
totally and completely.
i got this the day i wrote for new moon, so i checked the day before and i was 81 in line. does that llist really mean anything? i'm waiting for breaking dawn now. i checked yesterday (41).
i hear breaking dawn is gonna be crazy. don't read a book summary of it like i did, it'll ruin it.
godddd, why can't bella just.... no, i won't tell you. but seriously!


i love this book. i love it.

if you were to never ever read anything i suggested except for one thing, read this one.

did that make sense? why is it double spacing? i didn't do that...

it's in england too! the setting of this book, i mean. which means they talk cool. and say Mum. and the main character is Pete (officially like that name, not Peter, just Pete) and we get in his head and it's crazy. reminded me a bit of Catcher in the Rye, which then some1 compared the author or J.D. Salinger (catcher in the rye) so i felt validated.

and there's Nicole (who goes by NIC, see??!) and Pauly (who is wayyy more messed up than they tell us at first) and Eric (gay. manno) and even Wes (manno) and then Raymond. and raymond talks to his pet bunny. who he just calls Black Rabbit. and when his first one died he bought another black rabbit and called it the same thing and he thinks they're all just the same. and it talks to him.

and a girl goes missing and a big mystery unfolds. so it's a mystery book, but the first quarter really isn't. black rabbit summer is sad, and funny, and smart, and scary, and drunk...


Monday, January 5, 2009

the game of scattergories

i love that game! it is sooo much fun!
and i always dominate! i'm soo good at it! 83 points! which isn't really that much, but considering i had like 1 and 2 points for a couple of the harder rounds, i did well.
got 9 a coupla times!

so we had the letter T, and the list said 'stones/gems'
so i had to think...
then when we were going around the circle to share our answers...
me and sister at the same time said
"topaz, like edward's eyes!" in the same high girly voices and totally in sync.

this is the affect that twilight has on my life
so now we say it all the time, sometimes without even prompting it, we just say it
it's like telepathy and we're not even twins!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Dark Knight

so i saw the dark knight the other day.
like the best movie ever. well... not ever. i still think Anastasia is better. (did i tell you i got Anastasia on DVD for christmas?!!) no... dark knight is better than that.
sorry Anastasia.
and Heath Ledger is like SOOO good as the Joker. kinda really creepy. loves it when he dresses like the nurse.
he'd better get an Oscar. was he only supporting actor though? because Batman is the lead?
are the Oscar nominations out yet? i don't think so... there's just buzzzz

one question::: why in god's name it batman talk like that?!! wtf! it was distracting.

my point exactly.


book after Twilight.
so i don't know if i'll ever love these books. i'm starting to think it's just how she writes. which is fine, lots of people love the Saga, and i do enjoy it, but i don't love them.
it was real addicting though, kinda.
this book is more about Jacob Black and his family and stuff. Warning: Edward isn't in this one very much.
that movie is going to not be good.
So yeah, New Moon is good, but it's not great. neither was Twilight. idk. i'm like number 81 (checked yesterday) in line for Eclipse, so it'll be a while. but just like last week i was 98. so it's movin' fast i guess.
i think i liked this more than Twilight though. Sister liked Twilight better.
and it changed my mind about Jacob. before i thought he was SO annoying and i was totally Team Edward, but now i really like jake. idk what team i am now! he seems nice. nicer than edward for causing bella all these issues.

robert pattinson cut his hair

is the world prepaired?

i think i can hear preteen girls all over the universe crying.

they'll get over it, he's still hot.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


another book by mr. shusterman. he's good. but i started reading a different book by him and i didn't like it so i stopped, which i NEVER do, but i did it. uh oh.
Everlost is about lost souls, who like don't make it to heaven, so they're stuck on earth as ghosts kinda...
and there's the scary like all powerfull guy the McGill. and Mary Hightower, who's like the queen of Afterlights (the souls). oh yeah, they're all kids, because adults always know where they're going, so they don't get lost. (that's what neal says).
this book was actually very good. and it's not that long, but it seems long, idk why... because a lot of stuff happens? it's got a lot of story lines and stuff. but it's not confusing at all.


third book in the Heather Wells series.
these books are sooooo goood i love them love them. this time heather finds her boss dead in his office chair where he has been shot in the head. poor bloke.
so then of course heather gets into the middle of things. even though cooper tells her not too. ohhh cooper. and omg the end! are you kidding me? gahhh it's good.
and gavin is there of course. he's the only reason i like these books, swear to god... well, no, they're funny too... but i think gavin's still kinda in love with heaher but then he starts making out with that girl...
anyway, yeah read it. is she writing more of these? i hope so

Monday, December 29, 2008


another classic american literature. wait, is it? idk, i thought it was famous but maybe it's not...
'sabout... Suzie who dies a horrible terrible death. so sad.
and then she's like in heaven and watches her family for like a lot of years. i kinda didn't like that... how it was like over such a long time.
but it was still very good
the guy who killed her is a creeeeep to like the 10th degree.

Monday, December 22, 2008


i could not for the life of me find an album pic
this is like one of my new favorite bands ever
CAMERA SHY my favy so far. really really good. good like vocal runs (?) idk. SBH reminds me a lot of Forever the Sickest Kids (they have the same producer too). just like their sound and stuff. plus they have some really good harmonies, nearly as good as Mayday Parade (seriously, did you notice that MP is like the BOSS of vocal harmonies? forealz!)
CHEATING MYSELF "uh oh uh oh he's still watching, and oh no oh no, she's undressing... him with her eyes" i really like this song, good keyboard parts. very FTSK i think.
EVERYONE WHO BREATHES more rock than the others (which seemed more punk/poppy). i really like when the higher pitched voice comes in (happens in the other songs too). the harmonies are great. the lead singer's name is Caleb, which is pretty close to Cable. lol...
REALIZE (Colbie Colait cover) better than the original. i love when "bands" (lol) do covers of popular songs on the radio. they're always better than the popular one. this one is really good, it's faster, louder, idk. just better than colbie's kinda cheesy version.

overall, VERY good new band. the EP was just released in november (they released an independent one in 2006 but you can't even FIND that anywhere...). they're kind of a mix of FTSK, maybe MP, and something else... can't put my finger on it... Motion City? idk...
you tell me!

Monday, December 15, 2008

MAE ((please read this or at least skim i love mae))

so i got like five of these songs a real long time ago and i recently got the complete album. and i got like 10 songs for $5. what a deal!!!
PROLOG. scary. it's like this lady talking and welcoming you to the cd. it's crazy.
WE'RE SO FAR AWAY. sad. i think. it's the piano one that i like so much. and it reminds me of camp for some reason. made me sad after camp. good way to start the cd too.
oh. and remember that most of the songs fade into the next one. except like on the last half... that's weird.
SOMEONE ELSE'S ARMS. this is like... louder? rockier? idk. i love it
SUSPENSION. probably still mah favorite on the album. SO GOOD.
THIS IS THE COUNTDOWN. not in my top, but still very very good. hell... all of them are good.
PAINLESS. it's hard to describe this... deff more rock but only kinda. sounds good.
THE OCEAN. this is like my current obsession song. sinse it changes all the time. i love this song, great chorus, great verse.
BREAKDOWN not one of my favorites but it's still kinda catchy
MISTAKES WE KNEW WE WERE MAKING one of the best. soo good. except for that weird last minute with like the repeating part about the list. but it's still so good and the lyrics are really good.
COVER ME starts kinda creepy. idk. like it's a weird voice thing. but it's then one of my new favs. i think... yeah, i like it
THE EVERGLOW. another new favy. soo good. "i think that we've got what it takes, to get this heart to start beating again." idk, great.
READY AND WAITING TO FALL. agian not a favy but it's just okay
ANYTHING. sister's favy. it's real good, i gotta give her that.
THE SUN AND THE MOON. so long! it's like 8 minutes, i can't listen to the whole thing ever. it's mostly instrumental too.
EPILOGUE. creepy. just scary. gosh...
i've been working on this for almost 2 months. yikes. didya read it?

Thursday, December 11, 2008


just got back from a big-ole wrestling meet
i don't get wrestling, i think it's scary and i bit pointless
plus, it looks like me and my sister fighting over the remote. there's like no specific things to do! i just don't get it!
and then this guy was yelling "eraser!" and of course i had no idea what that meant...
so i yelled "pencil!"
and then magazine, white out, stapler, stuff like that
other intimidating office supplies.

oh, and SOMEONE'S brother has ABS.

p.s. not mine, i don't have one, but the SOMEONE just sounds like i'm really saying MYMYMYMY. you know?

i need to go to bed now...

Friday, December 5, 2008

mah new favorite christmas songs!

oh mah god

santa stole my girlfriend
by the maine
best song ever soooo funny.
calling santa an old fat man. and a bitch LOL
"santa you bitch, didn't get a damn thing on my christmas list"

ho ho hopefully
by the maine
sooo goood but i don't like the new version as much as i like the one on youtube

...And A Happy New Year EP



this is post 202!!!

i was gonna be all excited for 200, but i kind of did it and didn't realize what number it was...

but this is still exciting, right?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

what i'm going to do when i grow up

i still have no idea
but i'm thinking of a lot of things that sound like fun.
first off, the most obvious, probably the one i want to do most because it makes the most sense to me::

a catcher in the rye
(you know, to catch the kids as they run through the rye feild so they don't run off the edge of the cliff)
(you know, like Holden)

OR a film major in college just like Gavin McGoren because i love that kid and they probably have crazy parties. i'm gonna be just like him. except without the goateeeee (sp?)

OR an english major like Suzie's mom in the lovely bones. idk how that will ever help me get a real job ever, because i'm NOT going to teach... but i'd get to read my way through college...

COMMENT QUESTION: what do you want to do when you grow up?

top chef .... 5?

is it season five already?
who knows...
so i'm kinda watching but not really.
and i saw the first episode (the beginning) and i picked Patrick to win just because he was the first boy i saw that talked kinda gay. i hope he was... but idk. there was a lesbian and gay boy and they formed "team rainbow". maybe patrick's not gay....

but it doesn't matter because Patrick had to pack his knives in that very first episode!

i'm losing my ability to pick winners now!
it's all from my defeat on ANTM11 when McKey won instead of Analeigh. i hate that girl, i hate her with all my being!

on it's way

so i know i haven't been doing this a lot, and i have a lot of stuff to write about
i'm tryin!

the lovely bones
big boned

albums from:
mae (i've been working on this for like a month, it's real hard and it's soo long, but it's a great album, so i'm doing it. i think)
all time low (so good)
jack's mannequin (so good too)

all the albums are freakin good ones, so i'll have to write about them sometime
i think i got too many at the same time. and i read too fast.

so yeah, stay tuned

Friday, November 28, 2008


it's by the same guy that wrote Schwa!

this book was SO good. like one of the best. really good.

and good for those political ones, because it takes place in a future post Hartland War, in which the pro-life and pro-choice parties battled. so there's this law for like protecting unwanted kids until they're 13 and then the Unwind Papers can be signed.

then they chop them up and transplant all their parts to other people. 99.4% of them. nasty

this book was really good. about connor, risa, and lev, who ran away, and all these other AWOLs who like live in this 'graveyard' and stuff. it's crazy.

and actually funny too.

and seeems realistic, even though i hope there's never a real law like that.

read it, yo!

twilight movie

so i saw twilight, and i have just one thing to say.
like, my lord.

go see it!
i hate when people don't read the book first, but you'll prolly like it better if you don't read it. idk... they just added some crap, and skipped a lot (of course).
so actually... don't read it! well.. no, the book does explain a lot...
so read it. the book is WAY better.
maybe read it after you see it? idk!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

guess what i read today!!!

in three hours!!!
recently i was like, ohh, i wanna read wake again!
so i go to the library cuz i'm out of things to read. and i'm gonna put it on hold.
cuz it's been checked out a lot. which is good.
people are obviously reading it.
but much to my suprise, it was there, so i got it and read it.
let me tell ya, it was just as good as when i read it this summer.
there's some books that are like that, no matter how many times you read them, it's still the same as the first time.
and i put Wake on my christmas list, seeing as it comes out in paperback on December 23!
just in time for the holiday season.
when is hanukkah?
so yeah, i've read it three times (way more for mah favy parts cuz i go read them again and again). and it'll prolly be way more by the time... i... die? sure...
do they have Wake shirts? like Twilight? they should have those...
and is Wake gonna be a movie? let's get someone on that please...

yeah, i'm strange... but ya gotta love me!
oh, and i've gotten crap for not "telling" people to read wake. EXCUSE ME "M", when i exclaim about how good the darn book is, and make an idiot of myself, it means "READ IT".
so jeesh, do it already.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


sorry, i finished this a long time ago...
this book confused me. i'm not sure that i liked it... okay, so i liked it. i did want to be a vampire for a few days, you know, and like go up in the rafters and just sit. i thought it would be cool. and true, i couldn't put it down, i believe that i DID in fact have a twilight related dream (maybe more than once... i don't remember). that's what happens when i read too fast though...
it's just... i thought it was too explainy. and i know, it's the first book, and the author needs to clarify a lot of stuff... but i thought there was too much repeating of the same stuff. like...
edward: "are you afraid of me?"
bella (my favorite name ever, btw, even before this book):: "no, i love you"
edward: "you should be afraid of me, i'm bad bella"
bella: "i'm not afraid, you're good"
and so on and so forth. there was just a lot of repeating of edward (aka sexy vampire boy who's like a few hundred years old) not feeling very good about himself and being all upset. so he can't stand to be around bella (because he totally wants to drink her blood and all) but he's like in love with her, so he obviously can't stand to be away from her. quite the pickle. plus, then she's in love with him, even though she should be terrified of him.
this is a long review, and in the end i still don't know if i loved it. i liked it, but... also i didn't... idk. i think the first one was a bit overrated, but i've heard the rest just keep getting better.
*fingers crossed*
i'm seeing the movie on saturday! so i haven't read the second one so it doesn't mess with me or something... idk.
COMMENT QUESTION: have you read Twilight? are you seeing the movie? "M" will already know how i feel about this...
COMMENT QUESTION: what do you think of the comment question thing?

Saturday, November 8, 2008



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!

to one and all!!
i'm soo glad this election is finally over! they've been campeigning for over two years. enough already!
so who are you voting for??
i used to not care at all, then i was mccain, but now i think i'm obama.
mah parents yelled at me for that one.
oh well.
and i'm not like REALLY paying attention to it, and i'm not like HARDCORE for anyone, but i just think we need a change.
i see it as the country's been going to hell lately, so we need someone new in office. i think, why not see if a democrat will help.
plus, there's another election in four years, so why not give it a chance and then decide where we are? is that crazy? i don't think so.
and as Ash keeps saying, Obama's for abortion, but, like, i think people should have the choice. I think it's murder, yeah, I wouldn't do it, but it should be everyone's choice.
and like Proposition 8 in california. McCain says yes, which i think is rediculous, and Obama says no. look it up, i'm not explaining it.
so yeah, i think we should just see where we are in four years, and if mccain wins, fine, if obama wins, fine.
i think people are taking this wayy too seriously. like, just chill. even like sixth graders. like, their opinions don't matter at all, why do they get into fights about it?
plus, i think i like obama because mah parents hate him. is that so wrong??!!

leave comments! i like opinions! but don't yell at me!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

guess who's birthday is in one week??!!!

i hope you've got your presents wrapped and your parties planned!!

jk, i'm not expecting a party. at least... not a big one...

although, presents, i am expecting!

now what i'm reading

so i'm reading Twilight, that uber famous vampire book, right?
and everyone's like 'omg read twilight it's so good!" not to me, but you know... to other people.
i'm a mental patient, seriously
so yeah, i guess it's good...
i'm like half way already. because i read fast. and i read it a lot. even though i should be reading about yellow fever because that summary is due in... about a week and i'm still only like halfway done with that book. oh well.

i'm not sure how i feel about Twilight yet. like... idk. yes there, will be a real blog about it. i just needed to... say something about it? idk.
that post will probably be soon, seeing as i'm reading real fast.

oh, and i mostly wanted to read it cuz the movie is coming out November 21, the same day that Harry Potter was supposed to come out but then they RIPPED out mah heart and moved it to june, and moved twilight right in there to fill our fantasy movie needs or something! god! stupid harry potter!!!
jk, harry, you know i love you!


sequel to Size 12 is Not Fat
i loved this book i think it was probably better than the first one. it was great and soo funny and scary... oh mystery!
heather has to take remedial math before she can take real college classes lol.
and i think Gavin is like the sweetest, funniest kid ever i want to kidnap him only he'd be older than me... if he was real... and the heather/gavin back'n'forth banter is like the funniest stuff ever.
and they find a head in a pot on the stove!!! scary! and obviously, there's drugs involved, because, well, it's college.
and heather's criminal dad shows up! he's a weirdo. i think he was supposed to be "funny" but i just thought it was strange. and cooper. oh cooper. and jordan! who's getting married.
the highlight for me was Gavin, most devinately. and the end... yeah, okay it was good. i mean, like the last page that's supposed to lead us into the threequil. sure, it was good, but... whatever.
grrrreat book

oh, and "M", i'll bring it for you!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Think I'm Finally An Official Freak

hey you guys!!! i put FADE by Lisa Mcmann on hold at the library!!
it's not coming out for another 100 days or so (107 to be exact) but i thought.. what they hay!?? so i DID IT
what if i put that for the title? "SO I DID IT" would you read it?

so yeah... some may think i'm crazy. that's fine. but now i'll be like the first to read it when the library gets it. so ha.
unless... you don't think someone else might have put it on hold BEFORE me, do you??!!!


i'm really hyper all of a sudden...


omg this book made me pee. thanks "M"
it was great. it had a good story, and was real funny. so i was hooked
and it was a mystery!
it's like nancy drew and gilmore girls combined. i think there was a mention of gilmore girls too.
Heather Wells used to be like totally famous and crap but then she got fat
only size 12 is the size of the average american woman. how many times was that stated? i shoulda counted. lol
and there's Cooper the PI and Gavin the punk elevator surfer who was like mah favy character. (he's in the second one too! and i think something big is coming!)
and now heather works in a dorm (er... residence hall) at a college and they are finding dead girls at the bottom of elevator shafts! gasp!!
so heather decides to find out why. lol
and there's a sequel, which i'm reading right now. and a threequel too!!
and i thought the sequel was supposed to be "Phat Girl" or something... but it's not. who changed that??


sorry this is sooooo late
but i'm supposed to blog about homecoming
what is there to tell?
i was almost date raped
scary shit.

lol no, he just tried grinding on me. so i said 'NO WAY SKANK"

but i had SO much fun besides that part
did you guys see david's "dance moves"? what was that?
i like the lassoo and fishing reel. lol
and then sitting out in the hallway. who was with us? what that you "K"? i know it was me, david.. and someone.
that was funn too.

so yeah, not much to say that hasn't been said before. and i know if i make it too long you won't read it. lol. but maybe since it's called homecoming, i've drawn you in.
sorry if it's anticlimactic.
i thought the date rape thing was funny though. hehe
don't joke about rape, that's serious shit!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

project runway top three predictions from long ago and the WINNER!!

so after the second episode, me, mah sisters, mah father (lol) and then "M" made our predictions for the top three on project runway. "M"'s was later though, so she already knew who was out so it's like cheating.
let's see if i can remember all of these without looking. we wrote it down to be fair.

(poop i forgot)... Terri.

Other Sister
Blayne? (forgot again...) no. Terri


Joe (wtf?)
(must i always forget the last one?) Suede. that's it!

Lizzy (aka me)

i knew it! omg i am SO good. and the second week was her bad week in the bottom two, but i knew she would come around. i just knew it. christian had a bad week in the beginning too...
so top three left was Korto, Kenley, and Leanne.
Kenley was such a beyotch i hated her sooo much
i am SO happy for leanne. she was clearly the best. i need like a prize now or something!
did you know i'm like the best at picking people to win reality tv?
i picked christian and now leanne
i picked david cook over archie on AI
i picked whitney on ANTM (i hardly watch that anymore, no posts sorry)
i picked saleisha on ANTM the year before whitney
i picked joshua on SYTYCD
and all of these people had some REALLY good people with them in the top
which just proves how good i am
i hope you read this far, if you did, you get a prize

Monday, October 13, 2008


the same guy that wrote someday this pain will be useful to you
at least that book was good
i didn't like the weekend
i don't think it had a plot, at all. it was like these friends who got together at a cabbin a year after this one boy's lover died who was the guy's brother and his wife's friend or something
yes, another book about gay people!! but this one wasn't even good
it took me forever, too, because i was so bored.
idk why i'm even blogging about it. i feel like it's my duty or something.
dont read this book. well, no, you can if you want... but i wouldn't advise it

mcdonalds and starbucks

omg today after school me, sister, ash, and laur went on the new trail to the bugline!
and then we went to starbucks and flirted with this guy named micheal.
he was kinda nerdy, but we're just fun girls.
then we went to hang out in the grocery store. we wanted to buy some booze in the liquer (sp?) store, but since none of us is legal, we couldn't.
so we just walked around the store, and sister bought a monster even though she's not supposed to.
then we crossed the street (scary!) and got some fries and mcdonalds!!! super funn!
on the way back we wanted to try to touch the llamas at the llama farm. which is totally trespassing, but we were feeling daring today! we rebels! so we walked up, then found these unopened beers in the field!! so we chucked 'em in the corn field of course!! i hope we don't break the corn machine or something, i'd feel bad...
we never did touch the llamas, they were too far away.

oh, and since i only got 200 texts a month, i wanted to find out how many i've done so i don't go over, right? so my mom called and got disconnected and then called again to find out how many i have.
it's like $14.80!!! and i was told that if i ever went over texting would go away, but i don't think it will. i hope not.
how did i go so far over?!!? i know why! it's cuz of SOMEONE (*david*) sends me 8 texts saying SPAM because i called him a skank, and like 6 of a different one because i "wasn't replying"
oy vey

oh, this blogging thing is FUN!
and i'm over nicknames. except for those of you who already have them.

Friday, October 10, 2008


i just heard Poppin' (Champagne) by all time low
and saw the video
first off, why didn't i hear this before, i like it!
but whenever i listen to atl, i feel sad. lol, it's weird. i think it's alex's voice...
and what is with them always in clubs in their videos? and... why are they always half naked? seriously... this time there was bubbles!
and omg the choreographed dance moves in shortshorts?? too much.
but funny.

i like this song now.
i'm getting so many illegal videos for new music tonite.. not even funny.
and that concert "M"! omg. thanks for killing my year
jk. maybe i'll go with like holly or someone.
OH NO, NICKNAME!!! "H"?? idk...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

imma die after that lab report
had to blog though
threatened to murder something before...



Friday, September 26, 2008

random new music

okay, so i've been getting some random songs lately, so i tought i'd share.
i get most of these from youtube, cheating the system, because i'm so cheap.
[i heart hyperlinks]
okay, so let's see how we're gonna do this...
  1. Life Effect by Stars. stevie likes them? so i heard it was good, so i BOUGHT (omg) it and i love it. it's quiet, and slow, kinda sad i think, but good. loves the line "who made you happy last night? i don't know his name, but Christ, can he fight?"
  2. Memory by Sugarcult. that band is actually very good. this is the only song i've heard so far, but maybe i'll do more. probably not though, but Memory is very good.
  3. I'll Catch You by The Get Up Kids. stevie likes them too. lol. lots of just instrumental parts, then it's quiet singing. gooood.

i actually bought those songs. what was i thinking. i do like them though, so it wasn't a waste. okay, now for the contriband videos.

  1. Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequinn. omg i love this song. like, how come i didn't like JM before? and i've heard some of their other songs, soo good! i'm in love with Dark Blue
  2. Rock Your Soul by Elisa. such a beautiful song. she has quite the voice, too. it's good, and someone danced to it on SYTYCD (courtney maybe, solo?). i think it's beautiful.
  3. Foundations by Kate Nash. she's like british, what could be better? so she sings with an accent! i find the song funny, but also not. it's good too
  4. Where Does the Good Go? by Tegan and Sara. lol stevie likes them too, but that's not why i listened to them. we danced to this song in jazz, and i loved it, so i looked up the lyrics and found it. it just so happened to by by T&S. they're twins i think.
  5. Back in Your Head by Tegan and Sara. this is really good too, but i didn't really like it the first time i heard it. which was in one of stevie's videos, he did like a music video. i like his better than the real one :) he just has good taste in music, is all, it's not like i'm trying to be the boy. (well... no)
  6. Dreamworld by Rilo Kiley. is Rilo Kiley a boy or a girl? could someone find that out? maybe it's both, like in a group. but then who is rilo? we danced to this song in modern lol so i looked it up. mind you, i did this 'research' in school too. i guess i could mention that stevie may like Rilo Kiley too, but that was TOTALLY ACCIDENTAL because i didn't know who it was singing until after i liked it.

boy, me and stevie are like one...

  • oh, and i also kinda like Tokio Hotel, 'ready set go' and 'monsoon'. so glad they beat out miley for best new artist! suck it miley! (omg totally innapropriate joke could go right here)

that's it for now!


hey, why are there no comments on
this post?
it's old. but go back, read it, and comment please. that's an order.



OMG I LOVE THIS ALBUM! i'll go through all the songs now i guess...
DAYS OF THE OLD. great dance song. omg i just sing real loud and dance around. loves it!
THIS ONE'S A CHEAP SHOT. not one of my favys, but it's still good to dance to.
WHERE WERE YOU? this is the first one i ever heard, like a year ago. so now i know all the words! i still love it, of course i dance. okay, i dance around to this whole album...
THINK OF YOU LATER (EMPTY ROOM). my favy ever. i love it. i want it as a ring tone, even though it's $2.50 to buy because i don't have an iphone so i can't mix my own version for a dollar. gah. but omg this song is great. wonderful. best.
A STORY TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS. this was little sister's favy song! lol. it was mine for a while. it's great, this is like their [first?] single or something. so good.
BOYS WILL BE BOYS. i didn't like this as much before, but now every time i hear it i like it, so it must be good!
TAKE A STEP BACK. probably my least favorite on the album, but still very good.
TRADING HEARTBEATS. actually very good, and catchy. lol, "you're just trading heartbeats baby, you're just changing the person between your sheets." haha
FREAK OUT! the (!) was in the title. this is good too... this is the one with the line about a ship in the chorus? yes?
BETWEEN YOU AND I. beautiful. this was my fave for a while too. SO GOOD. slow, because you know i'm a sucker for the piano ballads. and dave's voice is so good. i read this review of the album though, and the guy was like "why must every band have one shitty ballad?" or something like that. umm... the ballads are always my favorite on the albums... lol. it's not bad, it's great. and so sad.
CHASING THE NIGHT. this is good too, very... upbeat. and cheerful. and a good end to the album, i think. 'days of the old' was kinda about the end of the summer, and i feel like this one is too, just living big while you can

AND OMG I MET EVERY AVENUE! but you knew that, right? but i didn't really know their music then, and now i'm in love. so thank you! idk who or what for, but thank you.


lol i read this a long time ago too.
it's the sequel to 'the secret blog of raisin rodriguez' (review down below)
and omg raisin is sooo funny. she's kinda like me. jk
and she has these great friends, who comment on her blog. i wish someone would comment on my blog...
but anyways raisin wants CJ to kiss her, but her plans always seem to go awry. omg she's just like raven! or miley! or those other disney girls!
i lol'd during this book. thank's for givin' it to me "M".
now i just have to read the three-quil!


i read this a long time ago lol

but it's a sad story, cuz a kid accidentally kills himself and i was like OMG reading it. and then it's the one year anniversary, and his older brother, who watched him die, is like having flashbacks. and he hears this voice in his head and stuff
so then he's living one day over and over again.
oh, and there's a reason there's a dead bunny on the cover.
Echo is good, and it's short too, not a big commitment. lol
i like the part behind the theater!! :)

making some changes

so this bloggin thing is really hard
and i'm sorry, but i don't have time to do long huge posts about project runway or antm. it takes too long and it's not that fun.
i'm not complaining, i like doing this, but it's not like anybody reads this.

so i'm thinking of making some changes
i won't be making huge posts for each Runway episode (how could i possibly catch up!?) or for other shows. i'll make occasional ones for the general season, you know, like what i'm thinking about it. pictures? maybe...

and i really like just doing random posts for books and music or my life, so i'll be doing that, along with opinions of the shows, but not whole review things.

why am i asking your opinion?

sorry, but it'll be easier this way. less stressful, because a secret blog shouldn't be stressful.
well, only a little.


did i ever tell you that Joshua won so you think you can dance?
well, he did, and i was super happy for him
he was my favy, and he was sooo funny
i voted for him!
twitch was in second, which was also good. think about it, two street dancers in the top two spots. good job.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


i went to the buckskinners today
and i got stung by a goddam bee.
gah. it hurts soo bad.
right on the back of my thigh, under my butt.
i call it a buttbite.
we were standing in line for "jerked beef", which ended up tasting like ass, so it wasn't even worth it.
but i did have the most delicious root beer ever, which is what the bee was after.
or he just wanted to get in my pants.

((ooooo get it? i kill myself!))

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


i'm sick

always sick


stevie says it best

although, do i agree about fall out boy? for 20 hours? yeah.... i agree


oh yeah, seriously contact me if you find that cure.

i think i am lazy


Friday, September 5, 2008


i can't say that guy's last name. i've heard he was really good (i have my sources) and so now i wanna read all his books. the library doesn't have Choke, how am i supposed to read it?
Diary is like a coma diary, written by Misty, to her husband Peter. he tried to kill himself in their car, but now he's in a coma. a gross coma, with his muscles all nasty, it's grafic. ick.
Misty's like this super good artist, but she married Peter and moved to this tiny little island and had a kid. there's this big thing about this crappy jewelry, but you'd have to read it, i can't explain.
Diary turns out to be a lot creepier than i originally thought it would be. like seriously, this island's messed up.
SUCH a good book, read it!
so do i want to read choke? i started to on B&, it was gooood. and i read part of Snuff. which is about this giant, record breaking porno. hmmm....
he's written other stuff, i'll have to check it out.
but i hear all of his books are good (again, my sources), so whatever...


this book was really funny. Larry's like an old writer for the Simpsons or something, so it was good. lots of pop culture and stuff, which i love.
nerdy validictorian (sorry, i butchered it) Denis Cooverman gives his speach at graduation, and says... "i love you, beth cooper"
beth is the popular cheerleader that doesn't know Denis exists.
one crazy graduation night ensues. seriously, the book is all about one night, it's real long.
and of course, beth's giant boyfriend is home from the army, and he (with his equally giant army friends) try to kill Denis and his bestie Rich (who's like this crazy movie fanatic, always citing movies and quotes) multiple times.
really funny.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


back to school gah!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

going green

omg how late can i be??
they had to use organic materials this time, but the models picked the fabric, so those designers had no say in the matter. haha
korto. she had like big wings or something on the sides, no one really got it. it looked insideout or something. bad.
leanne. it was a bit weird. like, she had big loops of fabric, and pockets, just too much, it didn't make sense.
stella. like everyone had this fabric. lots of people had that gold/brown stuff too. this i think is weird for stella, just because it's not leatha.
suede. loves it! he used strips of that same fabric, and red stuff, and layered, and used toule. it's amazing.
terri. it looks very fancy. that's all i really have to say. it's good.
wesley. he used the same as leanne. it's... "cheap" because it's "short, tight, and shiny". that's what the judges say. wesley is tooo quiet too, a man of few words.
daniel. i personally think it's kinda ugly. sorry, but it is.

O.M.G. i heard about the "project runway romace" and seriously, this is it! wesley and daniel! lol... i almost wrote danielle. sorry, that's not funny... aren't they cute? yeah, maybe, no?

jennifer. this had zero air time, i had no idea it existed until the runway show. it'slike rami! omgz!
joe. i don't like him, i don't really like this. it's blah.
Keith. never saw this either. i actually like it.
kelli. she has a weird taste... it's okay, but...
kenley. i don't get the collar. but it's very good, wearable, even with the collar.
good ole blayne. loves him. it's neon, which, how did his model know that! i actually like it, i like blayne. he's funny.
emily. i don't get it. it looks like daniel's. it's okay, but kinda ugly.
jerrel. i think it's butt ulgy. sure, his model brought him peacock feathers, but really? i hate it.

suede! i love him, glad he won.
wesley. which means the couple has been broken up. maybe we'll hear about it at the reunion? unless i'm totally wrong and that wasn't even the couple? i liked wesley, too, but he lacked personality. and talent, apparently.

Monday, August 25, 2008

that city i loves

so i loves me some chicago, but seriously, how do people know where they're going?! i got lost even with a map! if i lived there (which i SO will), i'd have a map with me for years!
i went to the art institute... i was bored, really. i shouldn't have been, but i was.
oh, and i was looking for Andy all weekend. lol, didn't see him...
we didn't go to millenium park, we walked past it...
went shopping! i bought a sweater at the Gap, and a nice man named Jim who i think looks like Michael Buckley helped me. the thought it was "super cute... signature color... good choice!"
loves him!
and then i went to six flags and let me tell you, i am a roller coaster queen. like seriously, sister got sick on like everyone, not me! i'm amazing...
oh, and can i just say, that if i'm ever a vegitarian, i will live on these sandwiches called T.M.B.s or T.B.M.s. i'm not sure... i said it wrong when i ordered, and i was reading the menue. i have dyslexia with letters and sometimes numbers. actually, a lot with numbers... but it's a sandwich of tomato, basil, and motzerella cheese. how do you spell that? anyways, it was delisioso. (mine had chicken, but that's totally optional). now i want another one...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

gone again this weekend!
i'll take pics!
oh, "M", sorry about warped tour pics, they'll come, i promise!
(on below posts, not this one)

Friday, August 22, 2008

the hair that i want

so i was watching miley's 7 things video yesterday (don't judge me, sorry i love it, it was stuck in my head all day. i watched it 3 or 4 times!) (i don't like all those crying girls in it though. can anyone cry pretty?)
but it was one of those girls that had the BEST hair dos i've ever seen and i want it. i've got pictures!
it's like a fo'hawk! and i want it soooo bad!!
except, hers is purple, i don't want purple.
how does she get it up like that?
my mom said i could probably pull it off...
but does it look like it's shaved on the sides? cuz i can't do THAT.
i really really like it!
p.s. i'm not joking. i'm serious.
p.p.s. REALLY!